Mercedes-Benz Introduces Concept EQ

Mercedes-Benz Introduces Concept EQ

A New Product Brand for Electric Mobility

Mercedes-Benz’s new e-mobility brand takes off with an all-new architecture for battery-electric vehicles. Daimler AG chairman Dieter Zetsche explains, “In 2007, the e-smart was a pioneer of electric motoring. We’re now flipping the switch. We’re ready for the launch of an electric product offensive that will cover all vehicle segments, from the compact to the luxury class.”

A light strip creates a wrap-around effect in Generation EQ’s driver-oriented cockpit.

The Concept EQ also debuts a new “electro-look” that seamlessly fuses the car’s aesthetics with the electric drive technology under the hood: two electric motors with a system output that can be increased to up to 300 kW via the system’s scalable battery components, as well as permanent all-wheel drive, and a range of up to 500 kilometers.